Today, small businesses have access to a wide variety of media marketing to increase brand awareness and attract potential customers, more than they ever have before. With the use of SEO tactics, digital marketing, and social media marketing, a local business has the world at their fingertips.
In particular, social media marketing is a great way to tap into your customer who lives right around the corner. Your social media presence helps to build up your local customer base and transform your online business for an even larger reach. Use these social media marketing strategies for your local business and discover the power of your community.
Post regional/local content
As a small business owner, your followers mean a lot to you. So, why not give them what they want? Most likely, your customers and potential customers follow you because you are locally based, and they care about what is happening in the area. So, show them that by posting regional content.
Think of images and or videos that show off the local community, i.e., the town parade, a charity event, a sunrise or sunset, weather updates, a recognizable landmark nearby, etc. This kind of content may not directly deal with your business, but it connects to those who live there and inspirational for those often visit. When appropriate, find creative ways to incorporate your product into the photograph or video. The point is to make relevant content about your location.
Hold contests and offer discounts to local social media followers
One of the top reasons people follow social media accounts are for the special offers and discounts. Aside from engaging content, your audience wants a reason to follow your social media account, so entice them with a social-media-only offer or contest.
Holding regular contests are a great way to not only gain followers but to also boost engagement. For example, if you are a local photography business, post a monthly contest for the best photo submitted with a chance to win a discount for one of your services. It’s also a great way to get user-generated content for your social media posts.
Oftentimes local = loyal. Local customers are often the most loyal so create a special offer or discount for your local social media followers. It can be as simple as 10% off for first time followers.
Encourage local foot traffic to your online social media pages
If you are a store owner with a physical street address, use that opportunity to lead your local foot traffic, walking through your door or past your door, to your social media platforms. Ask them to follow you on Instagram for inspirational ways to use your product. Or incentivize them with a discount if they follow you on Facebook as they are shopping in your store. Use window decals and signage or even QR codes so people can gain instant access to your social media posts.
Geotag locations
It’s all about location, location, location, so remember to tag your location when posting content. But don’t just stop there. Remember to also tag your nearby communities, city, county and sometimes even country.
Promote Facebook check-ins or Instagram locations at your business. Ask them to geotag your store to receive a discount or special offer. It’s almost like having the customer help you with your online social media marketing. Their friends will see where they are, and your customer walks away happy with a special offer.
Use local/regional #hashtags
One of the best ways to still find someone on social media, organically, is by way of #hashtags. Particularly on Instagram and Twitter, this method is still effective in not only finding new social media accounts but also following along with local updates and news. Do some research and choose several local hashtags to not only use for your Instagram posts but to follow so you are always a part of the online conversation!
A great way to start is to find a local publication’s account or a local’s account with a lot of followers. Add their hashtags to your post for a chance to be featured. It’s a great way to get a lot of eyeballs on your account from local followers or people traveling to the area.
Connect with other local businesses
One of the best ways for a local business to connect to its community is to follow and tag other local businesses, when relevant. Find other businesses in the area and follow them on social media. Tag them when appropriate and followers of their page will see and in turn, they might just tag you back, which their followers will see. It creates a sense of community not only amongst your customers but also amongst other local businesses.
Engage on social media accounts as your business profile
It’s not called social media networking for nothing. Be social. Interact as your business profile on other’s accounts by commenting, liking or sharing content. But you will want to be strategic in this approach. Find a few key social media pages that your customer is likely to follow and interact with them. Take it a step further and find Facebook groups that could have potential customers and join the group. Be sure not to be spammy but rather offer up legit advice and information that is helpful to followers. You want to be seen as friendly and helpful.
More and more people are supporting and shopping local and the best way to ensure you are top of mind when they do, is with these social media marketing strategies. Each of these tips help you to create brand awareness and a trustworthy business locals can count on and recommend to their friends and family.
Don’t be shy! Get social with us and follow us on Instagram and be sure to say hello.