SEO Check for your WordPress site: 7 Free Online Tools in 2023

Filed in: SEO Services

If you have a WordPress site, it is important to ensure your SEO is in order. Luckily, there are numerous free online tools to help you with that. In this blog post, we explore seven of the best. So whether you’re just starting with SEO or looking to fine-tune your efforts, these tools are worth checking out. Let’s begin!

1 – Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a program that allows you to crawl URLs on your website and view them in an overview. With just a click, you can see which pages are accessible through Google and how often those specific web addresses appear elsewhere online. This is especially helpful for checking your site for errors or gathering ideas for new keywords to use.

2 – Duplicate Content Scan with Siteliner

Siteliner is a free SEO tool that checks web pages for duplicate content. SEO best practices require unique information on a site. Siteliner helps you find non-unique text on your web page, allowing you to see what needs to be rewritten or replaced to achieve 100% unique content.

3 – Website Speed for SEO – PageSpeed Insights

SEO needs speed. A slow website can negatively affect your Google ranking position. PageSpeed Insights helps track your webpage performance and improve speed with website analysis. Identify areas for speed optimization.

4 – Website Auditor from SEO PowerSuite

This website analysis tool from SEO PowerSuite includes tools from Linkassistant. Website Auditor software allows you to audit your sites and identify how to fix technical SEO errors. Learn more about SEO scanners and site auditing services.

5 – Neil Patel SEO Scan

Neil Patel, a renowned SEO specialist, offers a free SEO scan tool. This SEO audit provides recommendations for optimizing your website, including crucial technical SEO aspects and proper indexing.

6 – Website Tool from Google is Google’s general search engine optimization software for analyzing web pages. Targeting developers, this free SEO scanner provides insights into website performance and search engine rankings with an SEO score. Use an SEO check to eliminate technical errors from your site.

7 – Ahref’s SEO Analyzer

Ahrefs is an essential tool for SEO professionals. Their SEO Analyzer offers a comprehensive scan with Search Console and Backlink Analysis Tools. Obtain extensive reports with improvement points to enhance your website.

Bonus! MozBar

MozBar, a free extension for the Chrome web browser, provides valuable insights into your competitors. With a few clicks, you can see their backlinks, keyword rankings, and more. Use MozBar to fine-tune your SEO strategy and stay ahead of the competition.


SEO can be a complex topic, but ensuring your site is optimized for search engines is crucial. Fortunately, various free online tools can assist you. In this blog post, we examined seven of the best. If you want to know more about how these SEO scan tools can help improve your results, or if you need help starting with SEO, let us know. Our team of experts at Nina Givens Co. will be happy to provide free advice.

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